Des de la Coalició Prou Complicitat amb Israel mostrem el nostre rebuig per l’alerta antiterrorista activada de forma totalment racista i sense criteris professionals clars a Barcelona el passat 30 de gener per l’acte “Defensores de drets humans i el dret al BDS com a eina no violenta” organitzat per la Coalició Prou Complicitat a Israel i que va tenir lloc a la Universitat de Barcelona. Condemnen el clar racisme mostrat per les actuacions policials. També volem recordar el dret al BDS reconegut per més de 200 expertes legals europees com a mètode de pressió cap a l’Estat d’Israel per a que aquest acabi amb les vulneracions de DDHH cap a la població palestina:
The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC) expresses its strongest condemnation of the continues attacks on its members.
PSCC condemn the right-wing Israeli organizations attacks and threats in Spain against the PSCC general director Mr. Munther Amira and board member Mrs. Manal Tamimi, who are participating in an international conference on mechanisms of facing extremism in the world.
Extremist Jewish organizations put pressure on the Spanish foreign affairs ministry to boycott PSCC. As well they filed a complain to the Spanish police to issue a warrant arrest for Mr. Munther Amira the general director of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC) and its board member Mrs. Manal Tamimi, under the accusation of terrorism.
Amira and Tamim arrived to Barcelona to participate in an international conference “Towards a new paradigm: Preventing Violent Extremism”. The conference was organized by NOVACT and the CMODH in the frame of KHOTWA initiative. The conference is part of a speaking tour in the University of Barcelona and the city of Madrid, to advocate the work of the non-violent resistance in Palestine and to expose the oppression and the suppression of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank.
Amira responded to all the lies and false accusation ” Because of my political position and defending my people rights , the Zionists lobby attacked me and launched a terrorist alert after they issued a complaint to the Spanish police against me.” He also added “I went to Barcelona unit to give a speech about BDS and popular resistance and the crimes committed by Israeli forces against my people, our weapon is our believe in our rights and the return to Jerusalem our historical capital.”
In response to all the false accusations, the Spanish media has apologized publicly to Mr. Amira as well the Spanish officials parliamentarians.
The international community cannot under any circumstances ignore any longer these violations and must stop Israel´s impunity. The international community has the obligation to protect human rights and its defenders (UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders) by acting in a fast and efficient way to prevent threats and insure their safety during the work of the HRD (UN Declaration Against Torture, European Convention on Human Rights).
We urge the international community to take action against these flagrant violations against the PSCC members and to guarantee the safety of Munther Amira and Manal Tamimi by :
– Please write immediately in Hebrew, English or your own language:
– Condemning the harassment of Munther Amira and Manal Tamimi and calling on the authorities to ensure their safety.
– Calling on them to guarantee their right to peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and assembly.
We will provide you with updates as they are available, please check our Facebook page:
For any Further information don’t hesitate to contact:
– The PSCC director: MR. Munther Amira: 00972599260445 / ,
– The executive director of the PSCC Ms. Isra’a Hinde: 00972598536214 /